インド 製品規格(IS: Indian Standard)の検索方法
製品規格はインド規格局(Bureau of Indian Standards)が発表しています。
※Medical and Hospital Equipmentsは8つの製品カテゴリに分かれ、合計1121の規格と記載されています。
IS 13450 : Part 1 : 2008/IEC 60601-1 | Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 1 : General Requirements for Basic Safety And Essential Peformance |
また、インドの”Medical Device Rules, 2017”には製品規格について下記のような記載がございます。
(1)医療機器はBureau of Indian Standardsによって定められた規格又は当局が随時通知する規格に適合すること
Product standards for medical device.— (1) The medical device shall conform to the standards laid down by the
Bureau of Indian Standards established under section 3 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1985 (63 of 1985) or
as may be notified by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the Central Government, from time to time.
(2) Where no relevant Standard of any medical device has been laid down under sub-rule (1), such device shall
conform to the standard laid down by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) or the International
Electro Technical Commission (IEC), or by any other pharmacopoeial standards.
(3) In case of the standards which have not been specified under sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), the device shall
conform to the validated manufacturer’s standards.